IHO’s Cardiovascular and Diabetes Screening Program completes FIVE years and results presented at
American Public Health Association Annual Conference in 2015
Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases- both preventable conditions, have now become the leading causes of mortality and morbidity globally and more so among the South Asian communities. IHO started a health screening program in 2010 for these conditions among the South Asian communities both in US as well as in India and Nepal. This screening program has helped find many previously undiagnosed cases of hypertension and diabetes and thus intervene in time. Likewise, thousands of people have been screened and counseled on how to prevent these deadly diseases. Also, IHO has been tracking the refugee and migrant communities from Indian Sub-continent who have migrated to US to track the changes in their life-styles and thus how to prevent these life-style influenced diseases. IHO’s goal is to screen ONE MILLION people in the Indian Sub-continent to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases among them.
IHO “Grand Rounds” on HIV/AIDS education program
June 30, 2007
Dr. SN Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan

The first Grand Rounds took place at the Dr. SN Medical College in Jodhpur, Rajasthan on
June 30, 2007. The event was attended by about 35 residents, fellows and faculty from the medical college and community. Dr. PK Gupta, Principal and Chief of Chest and TB at Dr. SN Medical College, inaugurated the first Grand Round series at Dr. SN Medical College, Jodhpur in partnership with the Global Foundation for Humanity, Health and Public Welfare Society and the Vietnam-CDC-Harvard AIDS Partnership of Harvard University. Dr. Donn Colby of the Vietnam-CDC-Harvard Medical School AIDS Partnership (VCHAP) presented an update on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
Dr. Colby also attended clinical rounds in the HIV outpatient clinical and medical inpatient unit with senior and resident physicians from the medical college. Jodhpur is the site of one of two HIV clinics in the state of Rajasthan that provides free ARV medications through the Indian National Treatment program.
APHA 134th Annual Meeting and Exposition
November 5-8, 2006
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston MA
November 4-8th, APHA held their 134th Annual Meeting and Exposition at the Boston
Convention & Exhibition Center.

As part of the International Health section IHO had an informational booth set up to share information to the public. IHO also co-sponsored The APHA Annual International Health Awards Ceremony. For more information about the APHA and news about the Annual Meeting visit http://www.apha.org/.
IHO’s 4th AIDS-India Conference
AIDS in India: Progress and Opportunities
December 2nd, 2005
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston MA

Keynote Speaker for the evening:
- Ambassador Teresita Schaffer
Other Speakers Include
- Barry Bloom, PhD, Dean of Faculty, Harvard School of Public Health
- Bharat Wakhlu, President, Tata Inc., USA
- Dr. AS Rathor, Director, Advanced Center for AIDS & Related Diseases
Press Coverage:
Video Coverage:
- AIDS in India: HSPH Hosts Conference on HIV/AIDS (Part 1)
- AIDS in India: HSPH Hosts Conference on HIV/AIDS (Part 2)
- AIDS in India: HSPH Hosts Conference on HIV/AIDS (Part 3)
- AIDS in India: HSPH Hosts Conference on HIV/AIDS (Part 4)
IHO’s Third Annual Patrons Dinner
December 10th, 2004
Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge MA

Keynote Speaker for the evening:
- Honorable Frank G. Wisner, Former US Ambassador to India.
We were honored to have the following guests in attendance:
- Ambassador Kedar Shrestha, Nepal’s Ambassador to the US
- Ambassador Daw Penjo, Permanent Representative of Bhutan to the UN
- Senator Jarrett Barrios, Massachusetts, (D),
- Ashok Tomar, Deputy Council General, Counsulate General of India, New York.
Click here to see more pictures from the event
Construction of IHO’s Health Center
Gujarat, India

The foundation for the IHO Health Center in Gujarat, India (Picture on Right) was laid in the aftermath of the massive earthquake is now complete and functioning successfully for the last several years. Shown is the partially completed health center with some of the field staff and health educators that have been working since the laying down of the foundation! This an exciting time for the people of Gujarat who now have their own health center in Bhuj.
The new health center is used to:
- Provide basic health services to mothers and children such as immunization, vitamin supplements, prenatal and postnatal services, and family planning and reproductive health services.
- Provide education and training for women in health and hygiene, prevention of water-borne diseases and oral rehydration therapy (ORT).
- Train village women as health educators who can then go out and train other women in basic healthcare.