The socio-demographic characteristics of Nepal are very similar to that of India. Therefore, IHO decided that its successful model for providing health care services to rural Indian communities could be effectively applied to Nepalese communities as well. IHO started its first rural health program in the Birgunj region of Nepal.
IHO’s program for improving the health of region consists of two components:
•Environmental Health is improved by the prevention and control of water borne diseases. IHO has provided water pumps as a source of clean, safe drinking water, built community-level sanitation facilities and provides education and training to the women of the community in health and hygiene. This training includes the prevention of water-borne diseases and Oral Rehydration Therapy where mothers are trained to identify the life-threatening symptoms of severe dehydration in their infants and administer an oral rehydration solution (ORS) to prevent their death.
•Healthcare for Mothers and Children is improved by providing vaccinations for children and pregnant women, health education in family planning and reproductive health and general health education.
This program is currently being expanded to other regions of Nepal.